Wild Weeds
Penstemon rostriflorus

      The common names for this plant are Bridges' Penstemon and Beaked Penstemon. It's found throughout the southwestern states and is particularly common in Tulare County and in the Sierra Nevada range in general, growing at elevations between 5000 and 11,000 feet. The flowers angle downwards to accommodate hummingbirds and to discourage bees. In fact, while filming this video I encountered quite a few hummingbirds. They seem to really like hanging out around patches of this plant.

MORE INFO: Penstemon rostriflorus


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Tubular flowers, lipstick red
Perfect for a flowerbed
Hummingbirds love them, but not the bees
See them sway in the breeze

Shady canyons, mountain slopes
Growing with pines, sagebrush, and oaks
The longest blooming of its kind
The prettiest flowers you'll ever find

Severely reflexed lower lip
Nature's superior craftmenship
Evident for all to see
Growing happily in the scree

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