Wild Weeds
Popups, Spam, Clickbait, and Listicles

      There are lots of things which are annoying about the internet and the World Wide Web in particular. Most of these things are completely unnecessary, but have evolved as the result of human greed. They are features designed to gain viewership and increase revenue. Most of these features are deceptive, manipulative, and misleading. Four of these items are listed in the title of this song/video, but a few others might be added including paywalls, e-begging, misleading titles and headlines, unreadable CAPTCHAs, cookie consent notices, and excessive advertisements. Hand in hand with these features is the constant stream of misinformation and propaganda produced by mainstream news outlets which is sponsored by our own government. There seems to be endless and ruthless competition for our attention and our minds all focused on gaining and maintaining support for policies and trends which enrich our corporate overlords.


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Popups, spam, clickbait, and listicles
Headlines designed to be irresistable
Fraudulent and maybe egotistical
The outcome is totally predictable

It's all a scam sort of like a disease
Rules for you, but they do as they please
Public opinion is sort of like a tool
Manipulate the numbers and majority rule

Propaganda instead of the news
They limit the range of acceptable views
Meaningless options, but you get to choose
Maybe it's time to just refuse

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